INTERREG – Development of electromobility



1. Focus of the call
The call aims to improve access to tourism attractions in the border regions of Slovakia and Poland, in particular by supporting electromobility (purchase of electric vehicles, charging stations, intelligent transport equipment or P&R parking lot signage). 2. Who can receive a contribution
In addition to public institutions and municipalities, entrepreneurs (micro, small and medium-sized enterprises) can also apply for a financial contribution.
On the Slovak side, the eligible territory is the Žilina and Prešov self-governing regions, as well as the Spišská Nová Ves district in the Košice region. 3.

  • Minimum co-financing: EUR 200 000
  • Maximum co-financing: EUR 900 000
    The maximum ERDF co-financing rate is 80% of eligible expenditure.

4. Deadline and submission of applications
Projects can be submitted from 16.12.2024 to 28.02.2025 by 23:59 electronically via the WOD2021 application. The maximum duration of the project is 18 months from the signing of the contract. 5. Other relevant information
Detailed selection criteria, eligible and ineligible activities as well as guidelines for the preparation and submission of projects are included in the Programme Manual and its annexes. It is recommended to consult project plans with the Regional Focal Points or the Joint Secretariat.

